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Monthly stats: record payouts in January ❄️

It feels like 2025 just began, but it’s already making history! Here’s everything that happened in January — new records, exciting changes, and, of course, new achievements by our community. 

🚀 Our first update of the year set the tone immediately: no playing around! Max Lots rule replaced the previous, more complex margin-based restrictions, providing clearer and more consistent guidelines for responsible trading and risk management. What can we say, it’s just the beginning 😎

🔥 $921,755 paid out to traders in January—no better way to start the new year than a new record! We couldn’t be happier to have a community that is always striving for more, constantly pushing themselves to achieve new heights. Congratulations! 

🌐 Top countries by payouts:
  1. Vietnam 🇻🇳
  2. India 🇮🇳
  3. United States 🇺🇸
  4. Nigeria 🇳🇬
  5. Philippines 🇵🇭

👑 Consistency royalty 

Top-5 traders who got the most payouts this month: 

Patrick, Nigeria — 11 payouts

Jun Jye, Malaysia — 9 payouts

Erik, Switzerland — 8 payouts

Damene, Algeria

Manikandan, India — 7 payouts


Most money earned in a single payout: 

Tyler, United States — $19,685

Jacinto, Dominican Republic — $11,600

Godgift, United States — $10,239

Yash, United Arab Emirates — $10,133

Ronghan, Sweden — $9,016

🎳 That’s a strike! 

Biggest sum of payouts in a month:

Godgift, United States — $20,936

Thank you for making this January so special, and here’s to more achievements in the future! 🚀

Please note that all accounts we provide to our clients are demo accounts with fictitious funds, and any trading is in a simulated environment only. For more information, please feel free to visit our FAQ section. Ok, I understand