Our risk management systems may choose to hedge a portion or all of their trades to mitigate potential losses, as we see fit. Additionally, we may occasionally choose to put evaluation traders on a live server and hedge their positions.
These systems operate independently of the trader and do not impact their account’s trading activities.
Our risk management systems consider numerous factors and are tailored to enable successful traders to make profits in a live trading environment. This risk management approach guarantees the continuity of Instant Funding.
We provide Demo accounts with Live Market conditions such as live spreads and live market depth. Your trades are then sent to our internal risk management system. This makes it easier for us to manage our risk as a prop-firm. Either way, payouts will be made as long as the trader has not violated any rules of course.
Our risk management systems may choose to hedge a portion or all of their trades to mitigate potential losses, as we see fit. Additionally, we may occasionally choose to put evaluation traders on a live server and hedge their positions.
These systems operate independently of the trader and do not impact their account’s trading activities.
Our risk management systems consider numerous factors and are tailored to enable successful traders to make profits in a live trading environment. This risk management approach guarantees the continuity of Instant Funding.
We provide Demo accounts with Live Market conditions such as live spreads and live market depth. Your trades are then sent to our internal risk management system. This makes it easier for us to manage our risk as a prop-firm. Either way, payouts will be made as long as the trader has not violated any rules of course.