Celebrate Lunar New Year

Use unlimited code LUNAR to save 16.8% on IF accounts and enjoy a 90% profit split

Use unlimited code SNAKE to save 13.14% on challenges, get a 90% profit split, and remove minimum trading days

Frequently Asked Questions

How to customize watchlists in DXtrade

Explore the watchlist feature in DXtrade:

Default Watchlist and Creating Your Own:

  • Default watchlist shows key symbols.
  • Create a personalized watchlist by clicking the carrot icon and adding symbols.

Linking Watchlists to Other Applications:

  • Link watchlist to charts by clicking the chain icon.
  • Assign colors for easy chart switching.

One-Click Trading for Instant Market Orders:

  • Enable one-click trading for quick orders.

Customizing Columns:

  • Tailor watchlist info using the hamburger icon.
  • Customize columns like percent change and spread.

Advanced Watchlist Features:

  • Right-click symbols for more options.
  • Access charts or set alerts.

Organizing and Removing Symbols:

  • Easily rearrange or delete symbols.

Different Watchlist Formats:

  • Choose grid or button format.

Master the watchlist in DXtrade for efficient trading. Experiment with customization and stay tuned for more resources.

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Please note that all accounts we provide to our clients are demo accounts with fictitious funds, and any trading is in a simulated environment only. For more information, please feel free to visit our FAQ section. Ok, I understand