Celebrate Lunar New Year

Use unlimited code LUNAR to save 16.8% on IF accounts and enjoy a 90% profit split

Use unlimited code SNAKE to save 13.14% on challenges, get a 90% profit split, and remove minimum trading days

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Show Good Risk Management?

Traders who successfully achieve their evaluation’s profit target must undergo an assessment of their trades by our risk management team before being granted a trading account. If any evidence of non-compliance with proper trade risk management is found, we reserve the right to withhold the account. (This is only in extreme circumstances)

Simply reaching the profit target by taking a limited number of trades at maximum leverage does not provide adequate evidence of proper risk management.

A trade can consist of multiple executions or similar entries on the same market held at the same time, rather than just a single trade execution on our platform.

While we generally give traders the benefit of the doubt, we have observed cases where individuals are willing to accept the loss of their evaluation fee and take on extremely over-leveraged trades to pass their evaluation phase quickly. Allowing such individuals to trade with real money would result in significant losses and diminish our ability to continue providing exceptional instruments to our successful traders.

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Please note that all accounts we provide to our clients are demo accounts with fictitious funds, and any trading is in a simulated environment only. For more information, please feel free to visit our FAQ section. Ok, I understand